Monday, December 20, 2010

Ashlyn is three years old!

After going to many birthday parties and waiting and waiting for her own birthday, Ashlyn's day finally came! Her mommy threw her a big party complete with games and prizes, pinata', lunch, and a specially made princess castle cake!

Ashlyn got to become a big sister this year when her brother Carter was born in April.

Christmas shopping was a blast in the K-mart holiday isle! Ashlyn danced and sang with Pooh for so long. Mindy and I couldn't even entice her away with an offer to go to the toy department!

At Old Navy while Mindy shopped, I watched Ashlyn as she became best friends with the manequin and the dog-maneqiun!

She always manages to find something to dress up in when she comes over. She's a lot of fun!

If you get the chance, try to listen in when she is singing. (which she does a lot!) It's a joy!


Mindy said...

she's such a cutie! I love her! thanks for posting this. Now I need to update mine!

Allison Barry said...

Oh I just love Ashlyn. I can't believe she is 3 already. I still remember when Mindy and Ryan brought her to your house on Christmas morning, and I was afraid to ask to hold her because she was so little.

P.S. I'm glad you updated your blog. I was getting worried that 2010's blog book would be quite empty.