Rich at 2 years old. He and Mindy were best buds as kids. If I needed to find Mindy, I'd just look for

Rich! (And vice versa)

Our fourth son and favorite

child (!) (Hee Hee to all the rest of you who always say that Rich is our favorite!) has made great strides in his 30 years. Just in the last two years he has been blessed to find his eternal companion, welcome their first baby, complete his Master's degree in Computer Science and adopt the two precious girls that came with Treslee's first marriage, oh and he baptised and confirmed Nina just last month!
This is he and Nina, his oldest daughter and below is he and Elle. (5 years old)

This is their vacaction to Utah this past summer.

Halloween-I can always count on Rich to be fun with me!

Here's the adoption that took place in October!

Baby Camilla LaRue, born June 2, 2010 Here she is in her Tinker Bell costume for Halloween. Can you just see the thrill on Rich's face!
We are proud of you and your progress Rich and so grateful for all the happiness that you are blessed with.
Thanks mom. But you know I am not 28 today... I'm 30.
I'm laughing out loud Rich! How did I miscalculate that! Time flies when...
haha, I was thinking the same thing! I'm 28. Happy 30th Birthday Rich! Looks like mom got her favorite pic of us sleeping with our sandwiches in hand in there. :)
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