Saturday, September 20, 2008

It is time for a new post, but John got a new computer and gave me his old one which necessitates the transfer of all my files onto his old computer and all his old files onto the new computer and on and on. But this goes beyond our brain power so it will be a while until I can post a picture again.

The blood tests I had came back...mono. No wonder I had NO strength, fever, aches and sore throat in August and the first week of Sept. I am very thankful to be feeling better. I had a set-back this week where all I could do was sleep, it seemed. John and I went to the temple where I could hardly stay awake. I slept on the way home and slipped right into bed when we got there and slept more! John and B have been patient and kind through it all and my counselors in Relief Society have been amazing! They have taken so much off of my shoulders where possible and have become my "peeps"! (People) They say that I don't know how to say 'no' so whenever I am asked to do something out of the ordinary, I am to refer the askee to my peeps and they will say if I can or not. (NOT is their usual answer)


Brenbren said...

mono! Yuck! I had no idea you were sick. I am glad you feel better. You do strike me as a person who has a hard time saying no. I am the same way!

hilary said...

mono?? wha? i am so sorry! my husband had that before we started dating and he said it is horrible! i'm glad your counselors have been helping you out. because i can just picture the whole thing - you are too nice a person to think of yourself and say no! had i known i would've helped! glad you're feeling a little better :)

Criscell said...

What--you have mono?!! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Brenda! I wouldn't have guessed that at all. You haven't missed anything! I'm so sorry for you. You deserve a break. I'm so glad your counselors are making you say "no". I have a problem with that too. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you!

Allison Barry said...

it's always good to have peeps. I hopey you get to feeling better soon.

Adam and Anya said...

Yes, feel better soon!

barryblog said...

Peeps!! Well, Jaxson sure loves your peeps. As long as they keep you sane and feeling better, I Love them, too.

Jose and Robyn said...

I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I miss you all! I think we need another get together!

Ya Ya!


Susann said...

I hope you get better soon Brenda!