Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Peacegiver

I just finished a book, my second time with it, called "The Peacegiver" by James Ferrell. If you need help with your marriage or any other situation in your life, this is the book for you! Rick, whose marriage is falling apart, is taken, by his deceased grandfather, on a journey of three different scenes. Rick is eventually able to see how he has become hard-hearted and how he misunderstood the sacrifice the Savior made for him. The feeling of this book stays with me. Gratitude, love, peace, joy... are some of the emotions I feel. I wish for all my children and their spouses to read it. It is a life changer! You don't have to be a member of any certain church to read "The Peacegiver", it applies to all people of all faiths!


Ande, Bastian, and Dad said...

Man mom, you are so funny. Alli and I read your comments/blog and just roll around. When did you get funny?

Allison Barry said...

I would love to read it.

Susann said...

I've read that book, it's great!