On December 23rd, our festivities began with Mexican food from MaKayos! DELICIOUS! Then we played white elephant BINGO with John calling numbers out so fast and furious that we had time only to check out our three cards each! No dilly-dallying! (That was after the kids played their games of Bingo in the normal way.) The sweet Nativity was then read and played by Oaklee as Mary, Jaxson as Joseph, John, Nina, Charlee, Elle and Ashlyn as angels and Ella was our only wiseman. Baby Wesley was dear baby Jesus. Oh, and Millie was a darling little lamb! After the 'play' Grandpa Santa came. Each of us sat on his knee so we could get our present. It is always the highlight of the holidays! On Christmas day after Church, which in my opinion is the best time to go to church, we all gathered again to exchange gifts and what else....eat! I can't imagine being more blessed...being able to be with the entire family, with no major bugs to hamper our health and to feel the joy of the Christmas Spirit! I love my family, Christmas and Christ our Savior!
Oaklee and Charlee were showing their appreciation to 'Santa"!
Bastian and Jaxson jumping ont he package wrap-you know the kind that makes popping noises when you push on it!
Millie in the highchair, Carter at the head and Mollie on the side.The cutest little ones ever!
Adam and Anya
Sam and Mollie enjoying the beautiful weather! Thank you Arizona!
Brooklynn getting her wishes from Grandpa Santa, or Santa daddy to her! Cute Ande!
Ashlyn sings "We wish we could marry Christmas"!
Millie giving Mollie (four months younger than Millie) a little hug. They are so cute together!
Once again, this party was the highlight of our Christmas. I think the Mexican food tradition is one we should keep (hopefully next year I can keep it down). Thanks for everything!
i couldn't get the videos to work.
But I loved the party! You and dad are always so generous and always make sure everyone feels special! Love you!
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