Another little Barry angel was born too soon. She wasn't due until September, but dear Scottee just couldn't stay pregnant, even after being on bed rest and having shots and medication to try to help her. Journee weighed just 8 ounces and was 8 inches long. She will be buried next to her sister, Trevee and will continue, no doubt, to serve on the other side of the veil. We took pictures of us smiling to help the other children know that it's okay that even though we wanted Journee to stay, we trust Heavenly Father's plan for us all.
I am so sorry for your loss. Words fail me. We will keep your family in our prayers.
Oh, Brenda, I am so, so, sorry. What a horrible thing to go through for you all--TWICE now! My heart aches for you. I am so embarrassed that I called you about such an inconsequential thing as Enrichment this week when all this was going on. Please forgive me!
brenda, i can't tell you how sorry i am that your family had to go through this again. i can't imagine. we are so blessed to have the gospel and know that we will see them again. you will be in our prayers.
What a beautiful name for the baby!
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