Devin saved a man's life this week at work. He was cleaning up from a fire in an apartment complex when a man on a ladder who was taking out broken glass from a window, made a noise and a lot of glass fell down on Devin. When Devin looked he saw that the man had a terrible gash in his arm that was bleeding profusely. Devin sprinted to get help, yelling to anyone he saw to call 911. Someone else hurried over and tied off the man's arm with a belt as a tourniquet. The injured man was taken to the hospital where his injury that had cut clear to the bone, was taken care of. Later someone from the glass company called the apartment complex manager to pass along thanks to "whoever was responsible for saving the worker's life." (Devin chews on pens. That is the case in this picture, lest you think he has taken up smoking!)
I am so proud to be the wife of a hero! Even if he has taken up smoking...
Way to go Devin!
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