Sunday, July 6, 2008

Okay! Are you ready?!? This is it! The second and only post for another month!


Mindy said...

wow mom! you did alot! great job and the background is cute too.

Adam and Anya said...

Yes, love the photos! I have to say, these grandkids ARE the cutest in the world.

bryony said...

Yay for blogging! Love seeing all the pictures and hearing about the excitement in your life. I like the new layout, too.

Ciara said...

hey brenda! i keep waiting for more and today i looked and what do you know there was more! alot more cute pictures of the grandkinds there are all so cute!! i miss Bastian being around too! he was soooo cute in thet pictures his litte smile kills me everytime! that is a cute picture of ela too they are all soooooo adorable well anyways good job with the bloging thing! :)