Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bowling and Burritos for the Barrys!

All fourteen of us Barry adults (Plus Brooklynn!) got together without children (!) and went bowling and to Valle Luna for Mexican food. (Only Treslee was missed since she stayed home with baby Wesley. Brooklynn's friend took her place.)

B's strike!!!

Greg, where are you? He's that speck above B's head. Can hardly ever get him to show his handsome face for the camera! I love Devin's fake smile!

Suave Adam and Anya!

Cute Mindy and Ryan

Beautious Allison!
 I was just about to beat Greg AND Rich when the alley people turned off our games! (I think I had a whole 82 points and two more turns!)

Hot dogger Adam!

Long time friends, B and C! (Brooklynn and Ciara)

Happy Brian and Scottee!
I LOVE this family and feel so thankful to get to have them close by!
Sign us up for the pros!!! Do you have to break 100 to be on the pros?!? Notice how Brian's ball doesn't hit the floor until half-way down the alley! (I noticed that I sound exactly like my mother on the video! Mom, you will live on in your posterity forever!)


Mindy said...

Fun Night! Thanks again!

Allison Barry said...

Yes that was so much fun. Thanks again for the idea and for the groupon!

I am the tallest woman our family has ever seen. Usually I have Treslee to balance things out.

Allison Barry said...

(the reason I say that is because I look 7 feet tall in that group picture)