Monday, November 29, 2010

November Niceties!

We put butcher paper up on the walls so that we could write some of the things we are thankful for. We have a masterpiece now! Brooklynn wrote that she was thankful for dogs and John put a sticky note over it! If you look close, you can see who drew what.

Our sweet John Wesley Barry had his 8th birthday and is going to be baptized December 4th! Grandpa, Great Grandma Barry and I took him to Target to see what he would choose for his birthday gifts. At first he asked if he could save some of his money, but within a couple of minutes he had unequivically decided on two Lego sets and a Nano bug! Trying to prolong the fun of shopping, I asked him if he wanted to see any other aisles in the store, but he didn't! I asked him if he liked to get clothes and he said, "No, but I do like soft socks." !!! He is a keeper!

Here he is with cousin Jaxson and his sister Ella.

Well, our Thanksgiving was a day FULL of gratitude and great food! We had 28 loved ones join us and for the first time ever we had to eat inside! It was cold out!!! Even though,we had four brave and crazy and maybe more likely poor and desperate guys (Adam, Devin, Greg and Mitchell) jump in the pool to get their $20.00 dollar bill!
John threw a bowl of ice into the pool just before the guys jumped in. The ice JUST SAT THERE!
Adam is the only one I actually caught in the act. The others were too quick for me!
Grandma Barry (or grandma Belle), Kara Brady with Olivia, her youngest, Scottee and baby Mollie!
Devin with Mollie and Grandma Barry! Such a wonderful day!


Allison Barry said...

That was a great Thanksgiving. I'm sorry I missed the pool jumping this year. I guess Sam's nap was worth it though.

Allison Barry said...

p.s. Mollie is so cute in that last picture!