Sunday, August 1, 2010

July Jubilee

Scottee's aunt and uncle own a beautiful cabin up at Panguitch Lake which they let us use for the week. We had a really memorable time there, but missed Adam and his family and Mindy and her family. Also Rich had to stay home for work. I loved every minute of being there with the family and the scenery and perfect weather!
Devin and Brooklynn were patient to fish for hours at Panguith Lake. Their patience paid off with two fish! Brian and Scottee took the kids fishing multiple times and got three fish, including one caught by Charlee!

We celebrated Ande's first birthday (again) by making her cupcakes. Here is Bastian enjoying Ande's cake after he had enjoyed his own!

1 comment:

Allison Barry said...

Sam isn't shy about wanting some of Ande's cupcake.