Friday, March 5, 2010


Last week I went through a three-day training so that I can be a Hospice volunteer. The training opened my eyes to some wonderful new vistas! It renewed my faith in my fellowman for one thing. The people I met who are already volunteers are the epitome of goodness! They do for the sake of serving and love. I experienced the amazing fact that outside my world, things are done in a much more extended amount of time. I tend to do whatever has to be done as quickly as I can in order to get on to the next thing! But out there, things are accomplished and enjoyed in a slow-mo process!

I have been given such abundant blessings and people have been there for me in many ways so I want to give back. My service in the community has been limited to being a room-mother at school. Everything in it's time and season... I look forward to this new adventure and hope that I can be used by God to help those individuals and families who are facing separation to feel hope and the love that God has for them.


kalie said...

Brenda, that's so neat! I didn't know you were doing that! You're such a loving person; anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. :)

hilary said...

what an awesome experience for you! i just loved your testimony today and i bet they just love having you volunteer. i'll second kalie's comment that anyone who gets to be in your presence is very blessed and lucky. :)