Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just call me Sariah!

Are you ready for this! I had to have a bunch of tests last week before I have a D&C tomorrow. My pregancy test came back ....POSITIVE!

I'm 54, had my tubes tied 14 years ago, been through menopause for 4 years, husband had his prostate removed in April...yeah just call me Sariah!

I'll have another test tomorrow before surgery just to make sure!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Oh my! Are you serious??? Hello Sariah!!!

todd and ashley said...

Well ... Congrats!! Our kids can be friends!!

barryblog said...

Yeah!! Another baby Barry!!

Allison Barry said...

Was I rude to you just now on the phone?? I hope not because I love and respect you, although I do demand the truth!!!!! (I know you do too)

Mindy said...

great picture mom!

Susann said...

Let us know when you find out!

Andrea said...

poor Brenda, if your kids were not so cute you'd stop getting them.

Amber Jensen said...

Good Luck!!!! Don't worry, you can make Brooklyn raise it! Wait, I am sorry, I guess I shouldn't be laughing, but you picture just cracks me up!!!!