Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Fun

The Barry family had a Halloween party so the grandkids could see their cousin's costumes. We had a parade, a cup cake walk, guess the corns game, target the ghost game, pin the nose on the pumpkin, Halloween Bingo, Chilli, and loads of laughter! Anya, the gorgeous cave woman, me and Sam the elephant.
Tinker Bell Ashyln

Nina and Brooklynn
The fabulous parade-Adam the caveman, Elle cheer leader, grandpa as grandpa, Charlee Snow White, Oaklee the fairy, Ella the ballarina, John the ghost, Nina the cheer leader, Bastian Spiderman. Not shown is Andi the flower, Sam the Elephant, Ashlyn Tinker Bell.
Brian and Scottee
John and Brenda
Ryan and Mindy

Devin and Allison

Rich and Treslee

Adam and Anya
Baby Andi (Greg and Alli's)
The 54 year old-stark raving mad, pregnant lady!!! (Sariah)


Mindy said...

fun party! you got lots of great pics!

Allison Barry said...

You and your pregnancy jokes. Do the people who don't really know you that well know that you are NOT with child??? Sam is the cutest elephant this planet has ever seen. You have some versatile hair, I just think you should know.

Connie said...

You crack me up!!! What a costume!!! I sure wish you were pregnant so we could both have the same amount of kids! Try Harder!!!