Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Our daughter Mindy will be 27 years old on March 25th. She is and always has been a dream-daughter. I consider her one of my choicest blessings and feel privileged to have been allowed to raise her. Here she is when she was three months old. She's always been a good-natured girl! At five years old, she and Rich (6 years and her best friend) were the flower girl and ring bearer in their cousin's wedding. Now she is the sweet mommy of adorable Ashlyn. (15 months) Mindy and Ryan have been happily married (mostly!) for five years.

Happy Birthday Mindy!


Allison Barry said...

I hate it. It's making you neglect your blog.

Susann said...

I can't start facebook, blogging is all I can handle plus the e-mail stuff!

Mindy said...

Thanks mom! You are the best!
And I'm assuming Allison is talking about Facebook and not me. :)

Adam and Anya said...

We LOVE Mindy!!! Happy Birthday Mindy!!

Brooklynn said...

Happy almost birthday Mindy, you are one of the few that i know when your birthday is!haha im getting better though with everyone