Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bountiful Basket

This is what we got in our Bountiful Basket last Saturday. Such a deal for just $15.00! Pears, apples, bananas, pinapple, tomatos, lettuce, apples, cantalope, onions, celery, strawberries! You can sign-up every other week at Bountiful and select a location that is closest to you. Be sure and take a box to transfer your produce home in.


hilary said...

ok i really need to try this out! thanks for posting about this i will definitely check it out, your produce looks so yummy!

Susann said...

That looks so good!

Mindy said...

I especially like the Barro's pizza box in the back ground!

Ande, Bastian, and Dad said...

Yeah, did the Barro's come with it?