Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our #1 son, Greg is 33 years old today. He has a multitude of talents like being an artist, creative, plays instruments, has a good sense of humor, is smart...but my favorite talent of his is the way he listens. It makes me feel really cared about. He puts family relationships high on his priority list and he's pretty darn handsome too! (Gets that from me!) :) I love you Greg, you are the best!


Andrea said...

Tell Greg Happy Birthday from me! I ditto everything you said...what a sweet tribute to a wonderful son.

Mindy said...

Yes, Greg is a great listener and great guy all around.

Ande, Bastian, and Dad said...

Thanks ma. That was way more credit than I deserve (except for the looks....I am "darn handsome").

Allison Barry said...

gets the looks from you. haha i liked that.

Susann said...

That's a nice picture of Greg!