Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Trials and tribulations are mandnatory, misery is optional.

In December John was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The range of emotions that we're going through is immense! Shock, denial, anger, sorrow, overwhelmed, hopeful that things will get better, grateful for our faith in God's plan for each of our lives-that no matter what happens, we'll be okay and that brings us peace. We've been to several doctors and heard every scenario for treatments and cures that exist. We are still in the process of wading through all the information in order to make the best decision for John. Trying to act like nothing is wrong is helpful to the point that it keeps my spirits up, but when it comes right down to it, this thing is all-consuming for us. We feel the love and strength of faith from our family and friends through your prayers and want to thank you. We know we are in the Lord's hands and there is no other place we'd rather be!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Brenda, I am so sorry to hear that trials that you and your family are facing right now. Your family will be in our prayers. You also help my testimony to hear how positive you are while you are facing such a difficult trial.

Cindy said...

Brenda, sorry to hear about John. You are in my thoughts and prayers!! Aren't we grateful we have the gospel to help us deal with life???? Give John a hug for me!!!

hilary said...

brenda, i am so sorry to hear that about john. but i love the title of your post and how positive you are. we are so blessed to have testimonies of the gospel. i will remember your family in my prayers! we love you guys!

Brenbren said...

That brought me to tears because it hit a little to close to home. This Dec my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. I am still in the same place you are- anger, denial, confusion, sadness, etc. I will pray for you. Please keep us in your prayers too! We can help each other

Amber Jensen said...

Keep your spirits up! I think being positive really helps heal our bodies & our souls. Life is full of sorrow and joy. Don't forget that Heavenly Father knows you by name, he knows what is in your heart. He has a plan for us all & he loves you. I will be praying for you, John, & your family. I love you so much!

Criscell said...

Oh my goodness!! I haven't checked anyone's blogs lately and I didn't know about this! I'm soooo sorry for you guys. You are so cheerful all the time, Brenda, you'd never guess this was going on. What can I do for you besides keep you both in my prayers? Please let me know. The Lord loves you both so much! Hang in there. Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Brooklynn said...

I dont know what to say