Sunday, January 11, 2009

That's a good one!

Here is a conversation that I just had with Brooklynn:
Brooklynn,"I didn't know Jesus was a carpenter."
Me, "You didn't?"
B, "I didn't even know they had carpets back then! I can't even imagine Jesus putting in carpets."


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

SO FUNNY! I really laughed out loud.
In her defense Sean said that he used to think the same thing. :)

Adam and Anya said...

I've got a BIG SMILE on my face.

We love you B!!

Mindy said...

that is a good one! I'm pretty gullible too though.

Haines 5 said...


Allison Barry said...

i love that girl.

Susann said...

That is so funny! Tell her what uncle Jay and Brad do for a living!

Criscell said...

HAHAHA! That is awesome! Thanks for sharing.