Cake in the face courtesy of Ciara St Clair!
Nine year OLD Oaklee! (September 15) She already had her shopping list made out when John and I picked her up. We went straight to the mall with 'Froggy' (Her beloved 4 yr old stuffed frog) to Build-a-Bear where she chose a motorcycle, a bed, some boxers and a car all for Froggy! I mentioned that Froggy sure was lucky to have her and Oaklee said, "Yeah, he gets me." (!)
We ate lunch at Johnny Rockets. Also visited the Pet Store and Disney in the mall since she got her shopping done so fast!
Mollie dear turned three on September 20. Off to Toys-R-Us we went where she carefully went about looking at everything in the store and choosing Olivia the pig and her family in their car, a lovely princess dress and an umbrella. We are lunch at Chic-fil-et. (sp?)
I LOVE our little birthday shopping trips with my grandchildren. As long as they want to go with their old GoGo and Grandpa, we are more than willing to go!

John and I flew the coop, but instead of going south for the winter, we went north to Flagstaff and about froze to death! There was the season's first snow on the mountain and we had ice on our window shield when we tried to start for home on Saturday morning. (Our car battery had up and died on us!) With no agenda for two whole days (!) we just went here and there. John is so easy to be with, with his 'whatever you want' kind of wonderful attitude! The little town of Williams got most of our time which we really enjoyed. It is a fun little old-fashioned place on the semi-famous Route 66 highway. It is also home to the Grand Canyon Railroad and the Polar Express. We also enjoyed a movie, a little shopping at Target, and Kohls (I got two pair of capris on the end-of-season sale for free!!! I had a $10.00 off coupon!) and some window shopping at the mall between a couple of naps, which made for a great time. Best of all--EATING OUT--that's my favorite part!