Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bowling and Burritos for the Barrys!

All fourteen of us Barry adults (Plus Brooklynn!) got together without children (!) and went bowling and to Valle Luna for Mexican food. (Only Treslee was missed since she stayed home with baby Wesley. Brooklynn's friend took her place.)

B's strike!!!

Greg, where are you? He's that speck above B's head. Can hardly ever get him to show his handsome face for the camera! I love Devin's fake smile!

Suave Adam and Anya!

Cute Mindy and Ryan

Beautious Allison!
 I was just about to beat Greg AND Rich when the alley people turned off our games! (I think I had a whole 82 points and two more turns!)

Hot dogger Adam!

Long time friends, B and C! (Brooklynn and Ciara)

Happy Brian and Scottee!
I LOVE this family and feel so thankful to get to have them close by!
Sign us up for the pros!!! Do you have to break 100 to be on the pros?!? Notice how Brian's ball doesn't hit the floor until half-way down the alley! (I noticed that I sound exactly like my mother on the video! Mom, you will live on in your posterity forever!)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wesley Milton Barry is here at last!

Treslee and Rich have been given another amazing, prescious, perfect blessing and HE came on Saturday, August 6, 2011. (a day late thank you very much!)  
He is named after Rich's and Treslee's grandfathers, Wesley Barry and Milton Lines. (I think-is that right Treslee?)

He weighed 8. 2 and measured 20 inches!

At just a couple of hours old he seemed to want to talk! He was so alert! We feel so grateful to have him here. Number 17 for us all 8 years old and under! We have 11 girls (counting Brian and Scottee's Journee and Trevee) and 6 boys. Come on kids...get some more boys comin'! 
Rich brought the girls over to let Treslee have a day (which is ALL she got!) to 'rest'. We had a blast, Millie and I! She is delightful and still a baby herself. Reminds me of Greg and Brian being 14 months old and Rich and Mindy also. Those were exhausting, rewarding, happy and crazy times and I wouldn't trade them for anything!

Scotte brought her dear ones over to play with their cousins.

Ashlyn and Carter shared the car! So cute!

Mollie the crawler, boosted herself up in order to peek out the window and give us her million dollar smile!  Grandchildren are the greatest blessing!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Alaskan Adventure

I hate to have anyone get jealous, but I have to say that our cruise was like being in, what I picture as, the terrestial kingdom with parts of it celestial! Seattle was our starting place.

Brooklynn is great at trying new she has buffalo frog legs. The frog legs were good, the buffalo seasoning not so much!

Our first stop was in Ketchican where we got to see the world's largest totem pole collection where real, live native Americans (notice my proper name calling!) carve these amazing things.

A slug! EW! Huge!

There were tons of bald eagles and we learned that it takes years for them (boys and girls) to get their white tips and heads. These are teenagers!

John is sporting a new do!

This is the glacier in Tracy Arm Fjord. It was mysteriously beautiful with the clouds so low over the icy water.

The glacier is in the back groud, between the two mountains.

Here we are in Skagway and this is the closest we got to a bear although there were suposed to be a lot of them around for the salmon spawning season.

Hmmm, maybe I DO look a little like Sarah Pallin, so I'm told. Give or take off a pound or 50!

Escargo! I love it!


In Ketchican this is a 'street'! Stairs are the only way to get to residences so they name the stairways!

In Skagway we went on a dog-sledding ride with 16 anxious huskeys happy to pull us at their top speed!

This is our 'sled'...a glorified golf-cart on wheels for the summer months!

We got to play with the seven new puppies!

We took a steam engine train to the top of the mountains in Juneau. The scenery was amazing! If you look really close you can see our cruise ship in the bay!


Our train on the white mountain railroad where the gold rush trail is seen along the route.

In the train

These fire weeds were everywhere. They turn bright orange at the end of the season so the locals know that summer is ending!

Magael from India and Sanyo also from India were our waiters each night. They made dinner a really fun occasion!

In Victoria, BC we went to the Butchart Gardens-the celestial part of the trip!

Flowers were bigger than my hand!

I took so many videos of this place and said the same things over and over...incredible, amazing, unreal!

Look how huge these trumpet flowers are!

This is downtown Victoria. I could live there!