With the girls it was fashion and talent shows. Here are a couple of Nina's dress designs worn by Ella and Oaklee. What they really are is long pieces of fabric wrapped around and tucked to make a "gown". Just lovely!
Here is Sam as Davy Crocket. He loved having that hat on.
There is a closet full of dress-ups and it is the most used closet in the house! Here is Jaxson as Batman.

Bastian as Batman too. He wore this outfit for hours!

Devin as Batman! (He wrestled it off of Bastian!)

Brooklynn had all of us have dress up for a video but it didn't pan out. We were a wedding party and well, it was a disaster! We just weren't cut out for acting, I guess! But our outfits were fun!

Bastian as Batman too. He wore this outfit for hours!
Devin as Batman! (He wrestled it off of Bastian!)
Brooklynn had all of us have dress up for a video but it didn't pan out. We were a wedding party and well, it was a disaster! We just weren't cut out for acting, I guess! But our outfits were fun!
Devin and Brian in their wedding clothes.
Brian showing us his physical prowess. He actually did 20 push-ups with Jaxson on his back.
Brian showing us his physical prowess. He actually did 20 push-ups with Jaxson on his back.
No one else came close to that!
Oh my!
All of the GRANDS! They are the grandest! (top) Nina holding Sam, Charlee holding Andi (bottom) John, Jaxson, Ella, Ashlyn, Oaklee, Bastian and Elle. John and Elle's faces are a crack-up!

Sam's favorite thing was to push around the mop bucket.
We had an ugly sweater contest and Greg's won.
I was actually quite taken with it!
Brian with baby Andi.
Happy New Year! The kids were so excited about getting to "stay up" until midnight! None of them can tell time so their 'midnight' started at 8:30 and they were in bed by 9:00 PM!
Scottee (the blue behind on the left!) treated the ladies to pedicures! Here they are waiting patiently for their special treatment.
John as ? He makes a cute whatever he is!
Elle in another one of Nina's designs.

Ryan, Ashlyn and Brooklynn taking a walk in the snow. Ashlyn was afraid to touch it!
Oaklee, Charlee, Nina and Elle in the snow fort!

With made-from scratch German chocolate cake and cinnamon rolls, games of Dominos, "Would You Rather" and Battleship, talks around the fire with laughs and tears, hot chocoate and otterpops, it just couldn't have been better! (Except for Treslee getting sick and John hitting his head while sledding. Oh, and the noise from the main floor while the babies were trying to sleep!) We made a Barry Time Caspsule that will be a treasure for all time with the grandkids words of wisdom and predictions of the future. I wish we could do it all again!
All of the GRANDS! They are the grandest! (top) Nina holding Sam, Charlee holding Andi (bottom) John, Jaxson, Ella, Ashlyn, Oaklee, Bastian and Elle. John and Elle's faces are a crack-up!
Sam's favorite thing was to push around the mop bucket.
I was actually quite taken with it!
Ryan, Ashlyn and Brooklynn taking a walk in the snow. Ashlyn was afraid to touch it!
With made-from scratch German chocolate cake and cinnamon rolls, games of Dominos, "Would You Rather" and Battleship, talks around the fire with laughs and tears, hot chocoate and otterpops, it just couldn't have been better! (Except for Treslee getting sick and John hitting his head while sledding. Oh, and the noise from the main floor while the babies were trying to sleep!) We made a Barry Time Caspsule that will be a treasure for all time with the grandkids words of wisdom and predictions of the future. I wish we could do it all again!