Thursday, May 27, 2010

Marvelous May

May has held many wonderful moments. These posts represent just a few of them.

John, Brooklynn and I got to tour the Gila Valley Temple. It was beautiful!

Elle was the star of the Mother's Day pre-school program!

Memorable May

Sam not only got Brookloynn's shoes on himself, he walked around in them! He's a swinger (on the trampoline!) For Charlee's 7th birthday
Grandpa and I took her to Toys R Us to shop and then to Peter Piper Pizza. Such fun!

Rich's Master's degree party!

Magnificent May

Can you tell that I'm having a hard time with Blogger today? I can't get it to publish more than two or three pictures at a time. So the little video was of the Glee Live concert that B and I went to inhonor of Brooklynn's hard work this year and every year at school. We had a blast! The first picture is of us at the concert, the second one is of Rich and Nina at Rich's "surprise" party in honor of his recieving his Master's degree in computer engineering. The little lady with me is one of my Hospice friends. She is 94 years old, was raised Amish and left when she was 18 to join the circus. She eventually got a Masters degree in physical ed, married and taught school for many years. I don't think she wanted her picture taken!

Magnificent May

Brooklynn was in the National Junior Honor Society. All the kids pictured are in our ward.All but one are a year younger than B.

Magnificent May

Magnificent May

Greg brought Andi and Bastian over before leaving for his summer job in Portland, OR. Good luck Greg. We will miss you and see you up at the cabin in August! (Andi is loving her Oreo!)

This is Brooklynn's 8th grade promotion. Allison an I decided that Brooklynn was the prettiest young woman there!