Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camp GoGo

Our first camp GoGo was a lot of fun! I think that each camp will get better and better, provided I keep learning and rest up first! Sleep was the only thing lacking with our group of six. I hope they all got LONG naps yesterday! When driving home from Peter Piper Pizza, Oaklee, Ella and Elle said that their best friends were their "moms and dads and sisters and brother" (in Ella's and Oaklee's case) It was so sweet to hear them say 'I love my family. They are my best friends." I learned that since I don't live at Elle's house then I'm not her family! (I know she loves me anyway!)

Oaklee and I were talking and this is how it went:
Oaklee, "How many babies did you have?"
Me, "Seven".
O, "Wow, that's a lot! How many did you get to keep?"
Me, "All of them."
O, "What were their names?"
Me, "Greg, Brian, Adam... At that time Oaklee excitedly said, "Hey my dad's name is Brian!"
Me, "He was one of my babies!" It was so much fun to see the "I get it" look on her face!

I LOVE each one of my grandchildren and am so thankful to my children for giving me so much joy through them.

Here is a run-down of most of our activities: Made "I love you" key chains and bracelets and drew pictures and framed them for their parents. Played SpongeBob Bingo complete with prizes, had a talent show with Charlee in charge (No surprise there! :)) Oaklee danced, John played the accordion, Ella and Nina played the Fisher Price piano, and Charlee played the big piano. (Elle was too busy playing Barbies!) We went to Peter Piper Pizza and they all got tickets from the games. (Not nearly enough tickets in their eyes!) Had popcorn and movies, dress-up and toy time, swimming, poppers, bubbles, balloons...Whew!

Nap time for me! (I'll post pictures when I get a card reader!)

Monday, June 22, 2009

No pictures-no blogs

I can't find my USB connection cable so I can't get pictures off of my camera. :(

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Devin is 25!

Allison gave Devin a surprise party for his 25th birthday. She had everyone write a note saying what  they like about him. “He’s nice, he wrestles with me, he makes good food, he is the life of the party, he is a good father and husband, has a good attitude about work, he makes everything fun,” was just a few of the comments that were made. Every one of those comments are true. Devin is a real joy!    Cheesy? That’s okay!devin's bd 09 021

Allison and Brooklynn made everyone a ‘Devin on a stick’ with a party hat so that when Devin came in we all yelled “surprise!” with Devin’s face surprising himself!devin's bd 09 025

Charlee made this devin's bd 09 023big Happy Birthday poster and a crown for each member of the family, complete with jewels! devin's bd 09 042

Rich stole the show with his speedo!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Program

I am posting from my new program called Windows Live Writer that Rich just setup for me.  It is really easy to use.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More on Barry Family Reunion

For the LIVE action of our family reunion go to Devin and Allison's blog. Allison really puts together a great show. Also watch Devin and Allison's family movie. HOOT! Brooklynn also posted our video (John, B and I) on her blog. John doing hip hop is worth a look-n-see!